All the basic knowledge, principles, and concepts related to Kefir.

Water kefir or kombucha?
Kefir 101

The Main Advantages of Water Kefir Over Kombucha

July 13, 2023

If you’re looking for a delicious, probiotic-packed drink that’s also incredibly healthy, you’ve likely come across both kombucha and water kefir. Both are fermented drinks, and both are full of good-for-you bacteria that can help [ … ]

Guide to Fermentation Time
Kefir 101

Milk Kefir Making: A Guide to Fermentation Time

June 2, 2023

If you’re considering dabbling in fermentation, one of the healthiest and most flavorful options is milk kefir. Milk kefir is a delicious, tart drink known for its probiotic benefits – which can aid digestion, strengthen [ … ]

Common myths about milk kefir
Kefir 101

How is milk Kefir different from yogurt?

March 23, 2023

‘Kefir or yogurt?’ is a common question amongst health-conscious individuals. With the world of health and wellness changing daily, the debate about which is better for you rages on. Both of these fermented dairy products [ … ]

Continuous vs batch fermentation
Kefir 101

Continuous fermentation of Kefir

September 19, 2022

Can we just constantly keep on adding fresh milk to the Kefir brew while sieving out only the ready Kefir liquid? Yes, we can, and this is precisely what’s called “continuous fermentation”. The two methods [ … ]

How long should milk Kefir ferment?
Kefir 101

How long should milk Kefir ferment?

August 30, 2022

How long should I let my milk Kefir ferment until it’s ready? This is one of the questions I read quite often in most Kefir dedicated Facebook groups or forums. The answer that is usually [ … ]

How to make a thicker and smoother Kefir?
Kefir 101

How to make a thicker and smoother Kefir?

May 22, 2022

There are numerous pieces of advice on how to make a thicker and creamier Kefir. Most of them really work and do not require additional resources to obtain a really better Kefir brew. However, in [ … ]

Is Water Kefir really Kefir?
Kefir 101

Is “Water Kefir” really Kefir?

May 18, 2022

The term “Water Kefir” has recently gained popularity, and any Google search on this term returns hundreds of meaningful results. However, both scientifically and historically, Water Kefir is not related in any way to the [ … ]

Why my Kefir doesn't get thick?
Kefir 101

Why isn’t my Kefir getting thick?

January 12, 2022

Our readers often complain that their Kefir isn’t getting as thick as they expect. How thick should be a decently fermented Kefir, they ask? Why is my Kefir still watery after 12 hours or more [ … ]

Can Kefir grains be eaten?
Kefir 101

Can Kefir grains be eaten?

December 10, 2021

One of our readers recently asked us for advice. “I couldn’t strain my Kefir well, she said, and I may have swallowed some grains. Is it dangerous? What should I do if I ingest Kefir [ … ]

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