
Hello, my precious readers.

My name is Atanas Georgiev, and first of all, I am an avid Kefir user for more than 20 years. This is probably the reason #1 I built this website: I wanted to share with you the experience and knowledge gained throughout these years.

Atanas Georgiev - Author and owner of Kefir-World.comI am originating from Bulgaria – the “homeland” of yogurt, and one of the countries where Kefir is most widespread. After a successful career in the IT sector, I decided to dedicate my time exclusively to researching and promoting the health-related virtues of Kefir – the most powerful, yet the least known probiotic food.

You may have heard that one of the two Lactobacilli that lie in the base of the fermentation of yogurt was named after my homeland Bulgaria. Lactobacillus bulgaricus was first identified in 1905 by the Bulgarian Dr. Stamen Grigorov, who was working on the research of the pioneer in immunology – the Russian Dr. Ilya Mechnikov, honored as the “father of innate immunity”.

But why dedicate this website to Kefir, and not to yogurt, you’d ask? Simply because Kefir is (unfortunately) less known worldwide, and while still a fermented dairy product like yogurt, it offers a much wider range of benefits all of us should be aware of.

Kefir has been known for centuries, and its positive effects are widely used in dozens of countries around the world. Nevertheless, Kefir is yet less known in the Western world, and many people there still cannot take advantage of it.

This is precisely the reason why this website was built and is constantly being improved throughout the years. I sincerely hope it will be useful to you.

Thank you for being here.
Atanas Georgiev
For any questions, comments, or suggestions,
you can contact me at [email protected]
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